Solutions Breakdown

This overview is a limited example of some of the most common current solutions.

Solutions to Climate Migration include a wide variation, from initiatives to reduce the amount of energy consumption per capita in cities struggling with inflxues of migrants alongside more extreme weather credited to climate change, to community focused agricultural education programmes, to teach people about more sustainable, and more resilient farming methods. 

Generally Solutions are focused on either tackling Drivers of Climate Migration, or the Effects of Climate Migration. However, currently solutions which are explicitly designed to deal with the effects of Climate Migration are far less common, due to the fact that the vast majority of Climate Migration has not begun yet. As well as the fact that often interventions to help better cope with the effects of Climate Migration often are good practices for Urban or Rural areas anyway. 

This Section is looking for Solutions which look into, one (or more) of the following

1. Ways to Reduce Climate Migration
2. Areas which face high emigration, or people leaving; these areas often struggle to retain knowledge, culture & economy in the face of large numbers of people leaving. Solutions often are rural.
3. People who are displaced by climate migration; there are often immense physical, mental and economic barriers which those forced to move have had to over-come. Costs are also often physical, mental & financial.
4. Areas which see high amounts of immigration; often areas seeing an influx of climate migrants are already seeing their own cities become less hospitable. Added strain on resources alongside cultural and social differences can lead to many social, resource & financial challenges in urban areas.
5. Ways to increase pressure or receive Reparations from Regions which have contributed to reduced Resilience in in the Global South, and which have contributed highly toward global GHG emissions.

However, this archive will not only take Solutions which are explicity designed for Climate Migration, any intervention which will benefit the cause of Climate Migration is considered. The solutions provided to the Database should be existing or well thought through interventions, they will be entered into the spreadsheet in which people can search and filter for Solutions which are relevant to them. It will also be what is used in the Strategy section. 

Solutions entered onto the collaboration board will be used to draw links, gather more information and get opinions from people with experience of certain interventions. It is a place to enter a solution you may want to find more information on or community engagement of some sort. This section will help you if you have particular arrangements and want to see which interventions will work well alongside yours.

Interactive & Collaborative Archive of Ways to Reduce the Amount & Effects of Climate Migration,
Please Contribute with any Insights you may have

Open Source Collaboration Board of Solutions
Please submit any information on Solutions leading to or resulting from Climate Migration, whether they are personal stories, academic studies or anything in between. 

Information from the Database will be added to this board, but this is a good place to draw links between solutions, unveiling often hidden complexities and reliances of different Solutions. It is also a good place to add comments to projects you have experience of.

Contribute to the Solutions Database,

In it include,

1. An Outline your Solution.

2. As much information found in each column of the Database as possible.

3. Information on whether your Solution does one or a Combination of the following.
   a. Addresses a Root Cause
   b. Increases Resilience to Drivers
   c. Reduces Effects of Climate Migration

4. Information on where & who your project relates to
    a. Location (as specific as you can)
   b. Area of Climate Emigration
   c. Area of Climate Immigration
   d. Urban Area
   e. Coastal Area
   f. Rural Area

5. Whether you have used, or experienced this Solution first hand, and your opinion on its efficacy.

This is a prototype copy of the database, 
you can use the filters to find more relevant solutions for you

(Information sent here will be added to our database on current Solutions to Climate Migration)




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Sebastian Mortimer